Eye Candy: Gentenaar Torley Paper Artists


Let’s just live in whatever magical world the Gentenaar Torley Paper Artists design, shall we?


Don’t you want to dance airborne alongside these stunning, still-flying creations and transport to a new universe? 

Fortunately, through the power of art, fashion, and YouTube - we can live in their world for a few moments  at a time.

How do they do it?

 Even from a photo, the work of Peter and Pat Torley, elevates a space, and invites admirers to transcend into the ceilinged heavens above. 

Peter Torley is the paper "architect", while Pat delicately designs the structures with her own developed "pulp painting".

Pulp painting involves layer upon layer of watery paper pulp applied wet and vacuumed dry to an incredible thin texture. Read more about the process here. 

fashion +++ /// art

In January 2018, the team created a dreamy installation for Iris Van Herpen's Couture Collection. Showcase of installation here, video of runway show above.

It's about as close as you can get to living in a world that matches their floating dream creations. 

Gentenaar Torley

Letters: Anais & Henry


Literary Pairings: Wind Up Bird Chronicle + Kirin Ichiban